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    Saker message: a “perfect storm” warning Archived Message

    Posted by MikeD on December 18, 2019, 12:38 pm

    Saker message: a “perfect storm” warning

    A look into 2021 – brace for impact as a perfect storm is forming on the 2020 horizon

    My friends, I am sorry to say that I think the next year will probably be a perfect storm! I have explained in many articles why I think that, so I will just summarize it all here:

    In the USA the next Presidential election will most likely be a disaster. The Dems are dead set to use any and all lies and tricks to try to remove Trump, while the GOP hopes that by selling out to Israel it will remain in power.
    The US is tanking on so many levels that I will only mention a few crucial ones: politically, socially, economically and militarily. The Trump-disaster has shown beyond doubt that this is not about personalities or who gets to sit in the White House. It is about a system which is profoundly 1) corrupt 2) dysfunctional and 3) unreformable. From now on it’s all “down” for the USA. I love this country and many of its people (even while I hate its ruling elites) and I take no pleasure is observing this. In fact, I would argue that folks like myself and many, many others (I think of Dmitry Orlov, Ron Unz or Andrei Martyanov) have truly done all we can to avoid that outcome, but we were too few and too isolated. Now it is too late.
    The EU is in absolutely TERRIBLE shape. Frankly, the Europeans deserve a lot of that pain because instead of defending their own national interests, they preferred prostituting themselves to the United States and the AngloZionist Empire. Now the the chickens have come to roost and it hurts. Besides, the EU is just as corrupt, dysfunctional and unreformable as the USA. This will get worse before it gets better.

    The bottom line is simple: the Empire is dying and this puts the entire planet at risk of war. Why? Because war is typically what myopic, ignorant and messianic leaders like to use as a way out from a crisis.

    Do not worry too much about Russia: she is fine ready for everything and anything the Empire might throw at her. She is ready politically, economically and, most crucially, militarily. It is now becoming obvious to me that the hyper-cautious, some would say “flaccid”, policies of Putin towards the endless stream of sanctions and provocations by the West has given Russia the time she needed to prepare for every contingency, including full scale nuclear war. Russia made it there now, and she is so far ahead that no amount of promises of miracle weapons systems will allow the West to catch up for, AT LEAST, a full decade.

    (Here) is a comical way to express this new reality:Translation: we are waiting for your nuclear attack (see blog)

    The above is obviously meant as a joke, but it also expresses a huge sense of self-confidence by the Russians. And whether you appreciate the humor or not, it is also an expression of a profound change in the dynamic of international relations.

    The US leaders probably understand that, but they still might harbor illusions about some small and triumphant war against, say, the DPRK, Iran or Venezuela (especially since the latter, unlike Russia, cannot strike the US mainland directly).

    The “show” is also over for the puppet President in the Ukraine and for his neo-Nazi masters (see here for a discussion).

    Latin America is in deep turmoil. Uncle Shmuel has successfully ousted the legitimate leaders of Brazil and Bolivia, and the reaction is felt (I think I even saw a news item saying that the Colombian FARC will resume their armed struggle – don’t take this to the bank, but my feeling is that this might be true).

    As for Africa, Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent – they are all under various degrees of crises.

    The bottom line is this:

    I believe that next year a major political crisis in the USA is inevitable. Furthermore, both Europe and the Ukraine are on the brink of major political and economic problems. And, finally, there is, in my opinion, a real possibility for a large scale war involving the USA and Israel: a war they will inevitably lose, thus creating a huge risk of nuclear strikes (at least in the Middle East).

    What does that mean for us?

    Well, first I strongly suggest that you prepare for a major crisis. Make sure that most of your money is not in any bank (get small silver or gold coins; ammunition and medicines will also become currencies if things get really ugly), prepare emergency food rations. Stock up on weapons (handguns and/or rifles) and the needed ammo if you can. If possibly, try to locate/organize some place you can go and remain for a month or so (no less!). The worst places to be in case of a severe crisis are 1) big cities 2) isolated rural cabins/homes. I know that some survivalists advocate the “bug out” option, but in reality, unless you are in a group and well-armed, I consider this a dangerous option. The safest place is to be in a community, preferably a small town, where you have friends and you know and trust your neighbors. If you do not live in our native country, be ready to evacuate to safety on very short notice.

    Second, assuming that we don’t have a full-scale war or major social violence, prepare for economic hardship: even if you keep your job, your income will likely go down. If you are self-employed, make sure to stock on whatever goods you need to provide your services. If you work for somebody else, prepare a “plan B” in case you get laid-off.

    I am not an economist, so take that with this caveat in mind, but all my contacts in venture capital firms and traders all tell me that the US and EU economy are so enmeshed that if one collapses, so will the other. Some say that if either the Euro or the Dollar drop in value, the other one would become a reserve currency. That might be true if the fluctuations come from speculative moves, but if the entire economy crashes or some major disaster happens, then I would not trust the stability of any currency (though the Swiss Franc might do way better than the Euro).

    Last, but not least, while we cannot prevent what must happen from happening, it is still our moral obligation to try as hard as we can. To me this means that I got to keep this blog going. Oh no, not because I have any illusions that this might change anything, but simply because, as Roger Waters sang, “each small candle lights a corner of the dark” and because each of us has to at least strive to be that “small candle”.

    God willing, things look worse than they really are and, by the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, we will all survive the next year without any major cataclysm. But, as they say in the USA – “prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and settle for anything in the middle“.

    No matter how small our role is, we have to try to play our part with dignity and courage!

    In spite of all of the above, I sincerely wish you a very happy new year (that is, if you celebrate it on Dec 31) and all the best for the next year. God willing in December of 2021 we will look back on the year passed, enjoy a big sigh of relief, and thank God for His protection!

    Kind regards, hugs and cheers!

    The Saker

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