, with the realisation that you simply must try to do better than the current deeply-shameful dog's breakfast, next time round. Haunted is the word. Since there is no - utterly-pointless - vengefulness in the Larger Consciousness System - aka Big Mind, the Great Spirit, god, etc. - that painful, self-inflicted distress is the worst you get, mercifully, before the slate is wiped clean* from memory - though not from the eternal Akashic Records - and you get to start over again, with the past simply anaesthetised in the past. B'Liar gets that much mercy, like everyone else. ________________________
* Almost; you can dredge it up again with Past-Life Regression hypnotherapy - though in most cases there's not much point. Better to let sleeping dogs lie, and just get on with doing better next time(s) round. The three-year-olds who remember their immediate previous life - and death - soon spontaneously reach that same conclusion, and let it go out of - recoverable - memory as they grow up.