Well said John. What we just witnessed was a conspiracy; what else could you call it?Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on December 20, 2019, 1:03 am, in reply to "Farewell to Corbyn. "
because the neo-con/deep state always intended this outcome, in my view (as expressed in article posted below), but also was fundamentally concerned to prevent "Corbynism" - ie Socialism - ruining their dirty little game - the empire of empires. But rather than simply arrange to have him bumped off - couldn't be difficult! - they manipulated the electorate most cleverly so that they all think it was their idea. As I said before, and will still say - anyone who thinks the Tory government is legitimate needs to take a long look at the criminals it is employing to further its interests around the world, in the shape of both the terrorist aides and the British Army, and of course the IOF.
Indicating the truth of your analysis, I just read a column in the business section of the Australian: "The outcome of last week's UK election nonetheless came as a huge relief to business leaders, for given the choice between Corbyn and Brexit, it was always abundantly clear where the real danger lay."
(I see now this was from the Telegraph, Jeremy Warner) I didn't read the rest of it till now, but it's worse!