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    Best hour I've spent this Xmas. I liked when he told them they were all anarchists Archived Message

    Posted by Der on December 26, 2019, 8:56 pm, in reply to "Chomsky at 91, a full beard, a full hour."

    He talked about Free Will, language acquisition, the EU, the rise of the right, universal living wage, Manufacturing Consent, Anarchism,how all this talk of fake news and distrust leads to totalitarianism. How the media harped on about the death toll from China's famine but ignored the much greater death toll in our ally democratic India right next door, right at the same time.

    There was a bit there where when he was revealing what polls had said about which country was deemed the greatest threat to world peace but he didn't say which country it was (the US). The media had emphasised Iran.

    Also, several times he talked about laboratory experiments on cats (e.g. sewing shut the eyelids of kittens - which led to them becoming blind) and told us what the experiments revealed. He didn't seem to have any problem with these experiments. But I could be wrong. He did made some casual reference as to how we could have a discussion as to the rights and wrongs of such experiments but he seemed very happy to have the evidence these tests revealed. I was appalled.

    Also, the audience was a bit small. Half full. Seemed to be confined to students of the university. Lets keep out the great unwashed? Wonder what he thought of that. The small crowd on the other hand made things a bit informal and made the talk all the better.

    Noam looks really well.

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