Re: Craig Murray - The Terrifying Rise of the Zombie State Archived Message
Posted by brooks on January 3, 2020, 3:29 pm, in reply to "Craig Murray - The Terrifying Rise of the Zombie State"
Excellent from Murray, as was the previous post about the Zombie state. Chomsky has been warning for a couple of decades about "Washington's ultimate nightmare" being a Shia alliance across the oil-producing regions of the middle east that was under Iranian influence and out of US control. This latest act of desperation as Iraq slips out of their orbit will be followed by others no doubt and by Iranian retaliation and the ever-present possibility of escalation. The US will risk WW3 to prevent the "ultimate nightmare". Dangerous times indeed. As a follow-up to Murray's previous blog, here's an excellent interview with Ted Postal about the catastrophe that is the OPCW and the US media - including the ostensibly left Intercept and Democracy Now - by Aaron Mate.