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    Mohammad Marandi on C4 news Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on January 7, 2020, 10:19 pm

    Surprised they let this guy on, don't expect a repeat! (Watch from around 19:00)

    After Matt Frei and associates bumble around like day-old mooncalves, completely failing to demolish the lies presented by the toxic Trump representative, they finally bring on Marandi of the university of Tehran who makes them look like the imbeciles/hack propagandists they all are. Best thing was the 4-5 second delay so Frei couldn't interrupt him like he clearly wanted to, especially once he started bad-mouthing the sainted White Helmets (notice him squeezing a 'they would dispute this' at the end!)

    We're so lucky to have the internet so accidental slips like this aren't the only truth we ever get to hear about foreign policy (or most other subjects for that matter).


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