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    Tentative judgement: As expected, the sane people in the US military have no stomach for this war, Archived Message

    Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on January 9, 2020, 9:46 am, in reply to "And PepeE's (including "high-level CIA source") -"

    since they know they have no chance of 'winning' it, and the more savvy of them also understand that it will hasten the already well-advanced collapse of the Anglozionist empire. And Iran has now demonstrated that it follows through on its statements - and has the means to do so in spades... So, any full-on war will mean devastation - quite probably terminal ultimately - for zionistan-in-Palestine, as the sane element within the zio-cancer's ruling gangsters also now understand.

    And every day that passes, Russia and China are steadily strengthening their role in the ME, and are helping to increase its - now entirely practicable - ability to expel the Az empire.

    Control of the world's oil spigot is passing steadily to the new empires in the North and East. Especially to Russia, since it's already one of the world's major hydro-carbon producers from its own territory, and is likely to become more so as the Arctic Ocean thaws. (And, again as predicted by the non-propaganda-gavaged, the US fracking 'miracle' is now on its last legs.)

    Will the English-raj-class recognise which way the wind is blowing (especially the CoL gangsters) and follow Germany, France, Turkey, and loads more in making nice to Moscow and Beijing? As the utterly parlous situation of Britain post-Brexit sinks in, and as the falling of the Az empire becomes ever clearer to the savvier rajistas, so that it's now become time for the rats to leave the sinking ship, that's what I expect. Though of course it will be necessary to retire - and surveil for possible mischief-making - the aging rajistas and rajista-servants within the MI6/Institute for Blimpcraft/LackIIs/77liars/etc. complex, to remove their fossilised and entirely pointless Russia-hatred from the changed strategic realpolitik situation...

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