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    Excellent analysis by FAIR on media coverage of the Soleimani assassination Archived Message

    Posted by Der on January 10, 2020, 9:15 am

    "...Even if one is inclined, against all experience, to take US claims about an official enemy on faith, the language that Soleimani killed “hundreds of Americans” is a deliberately nebulous. American what—children? Civilians? Indeed not. The allegation is that he targeted US troops or “contractors”—i.e., mercenaries—stationed not at home, but in a region on the other side of the world that the US illegally attacked and has occupied for most of this century. “Soleimani provided effective military resistance to foreign occupying forces,” though, sounds very different from “killed hundreds of Americans.”..."

    Message Thread:

    • Excellent analysis by FAIR on media coverage of the Soleimani assassination - Der January 10, 2020, 9:15 am