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    Re: But this can't be right! Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on January 17, 2020, 12:07 pm, in reply to "But this can't be right!"

    A pertinent reminder! Would be interesting to go back through the ML archives to see all the past betrayals on this. I was thinking of the 'great global warming swindle' hatchet job, but that was Channel 4: back in 2007 Otherwise I just have to think back to all the reporting of hot summers and extreme weather events which failed to even mention climate change until very recently, to be reminded just how drastically public perceptions have been manipulated and railroaded on this issue. Oh, and stuff like this, published in the Independent, also in 2007:

    “Time is running out… Ski resorts are melting… Paradise islands are vanishing… So what are you waiting for?
    “30 places you need to visit while you still can – A 64-page Travel Special…”

    “I am changing my travel plans this year. Alarmed by global warming, shocked by the imminent mass extinction of species and distraught at the environmental damage wreaked by mass tourism, I have decided to act before it is too late. Yes, carbon-neutral travel can wait. I’m off to see polar bears, tigers and low-lying Pacific atolls while they’re still there… In the spirit of Nero – the Roman emperor who sang to the beauty of the flames while Rome burned to the ground – we are determined to enjoy the final days of our beautiful Earth. We are aware that mass tourism damages the very things we are going to see, but this only increases our urgency. We are aware that we will soon have to act more sustainably, which gives us all the more reason to be irresponsible while we still can.

    Not for us the angsty despair of the eco-worriers, nor the stay-home moralising of the greenhouse gasbags. For we are the travel Neroists, and we have spotted a window of opportunity.” (Marcus Fairs, ‘Travel special: Roman holidays,’
    Independent on Sunday, February 4, 2007) -

    Unbelievable, really.

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