Surgery.. Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on January 20, 2020, 11:02 pm, in reply to " Identity Politics: does nothing to promote real equality Andre Vltchek"
A friend of mine was (when we were still in contact), considering "reassignment", he told me that reassignment was usually only considered for men when a certain part of the brain had not developed as it usually would and was much smaller (as would usually be true for a woman). Sorry but I don't know/am not sure of all the jargon, if anyone else knows I'd be grateful if they could elucidate here. Clearly if such is the case than there are good and solid reasons (not the only one he mentioned), for considering surgery..I am therefore not wholly against intervention as the condition is genuine (he suffered from it), reassignment then becomes a medical matter..however, to not address the underlying genetic and/or endocrinic causes of such disorders is not good medicine can therefore remain non-judgemental whilst still trying to address the underlying causes of gender dysphoria/dysmorphia..