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    The post GE19 surge in Labour membership Archived Message

    Posted by George Brennan on January 28, 2020, 7:02 pm

    The post election surge in Labour Membership may be already as many as 170K

    Its worth studying graph below. See Numbers plunge from Atlee’s 1m to New Labour’s 1.9k. Judge Sumption thinks or implies this nadir let 350,000 infiltrators gain undue influence after 2015. Nothing like this surge has happened to other European parties.

    Sumption may be lamenting the decline of the Conservative party which once had 3 million members and was a vast middle class marriage bureau with no propensity to vote Leave or do anything serious. Back then, dissolute young socialists used to gatecrash Tory parties looking for girls.

    The new post election surge may be about 150k. MSM gossip says they have come in just to vote against RLB Possibly; but nobody is seeking object evidence

    Jess Phillips says they all came in to vote for her. If that is true its the end of history.

    I am curious to see any evidence, even anecdotal, as to why these 150k did come in

    Objective factors brought in the 350K infiltrators post 2015 and those factors have not gone away. The Middle East still edges to war. The Climatee still races to catastrophe. Massive inequalities of power and wealth still prevail, although - largely to the credit of Corbyn and Mcdonnell - austerity has dropped from the discourse. Even Theresa May had for brief moment to talk like a socialist

    The subjective factor is a leadership that at least looks as if it can do the business and not be bought. If that even seems to be present, membership will continue to grow.

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