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    Wealthy Gulf States Plan to Spend Big to Coax Syria Away from Iran Archived Message

    Posted by sashimi on February 1, 2020, 6:30 am

    Wouldn't China be willing to counteract the lure of GCC shekels?

    In the first of a three-part series, Agha Hussein investigates efforts
    by wealthy Gulf Arab countries to ply post-war Syria away from Iran by
    investing heavily in its post-war reconstruction.
    by Agha Hussain, January 31st, 2020

    Since the dawn of the 2011 Syrian civil war, many aspects of the
    country's political culture have been in flux. Yet a single doctrine
    has remained steadfast throughout that evolution: that Israel is
    Syria's primary foe. Even the country's constitution declares Syria
    the "beating heart of Arabism, the forefront of confrontation with the
    Zionist [Israel] enemy."

    This culture dates back to Syria's independence as a country and
    helped hasten its strategic-military alignment with Iran and Hezbollah
    in the 1980s as they faced down growing Israeli aggression. This
    Syria-Iran-Hezbollah axis was dubbed the Resistance Axis (Mouqawamah
    in Arabic) by its supporters, with anti-Zionism serving as its central
    and most unifying ideology.

    In the decade since the onset of the Syrian war, much has changed
    concerning the alignments of foreign states in the complex Syria
    theater. Iran and Hezbollah are still the strategic military allies
    that helped President Bashar al Assad retain power against
    foreign-backed rebels, many of whom were violent extremists actively
    supported by Israel and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States
    (GCC), an alliance of wealthy oil-producing Gulf Arab states backed by
    the U.S.

    Now, with hopes of deposing Assad all but dashed, those same Gulf Arab
    states have made peace with his government and are seeking an active
    role in Syria's post-war reconstruction.

    For numerous reasons, this accentuates the struggle by foreign powers
    to secure some sort of influence in Syria following the effective
    'victory' of the government over the rebels. This struggle is poised,
    in many ways, to challenge Syria's avowed status as a frontline Arab
    state standing against Israel and could very well reshuffle its
    long-held traditional alliances. In this three-part series, MintPress
    News will explore the shifting alliances that are underway in Syria
    and the struggle for influence among rival nations in Syria's post-war
    reconstruction era.

    GCC money versus the "Resistance Axis"
    The GCC has lost hope in a military solution to oust Syria's
    government. Now, they have shifted gears to economic and diplomatic
    avenues, hoping to convince the United States to lift sanctions on
    Syria in order to be able to use their sizable financial resources to
    secure influence in the country through investment in its economy. The
    U.S. would, needless to say, not oblige the GCC out of goodwill toward
    Syria, who its sanctions and militarism have greatly harmed, but for
    the strategic interest of greater Syrian economic reliance on the GCC
    as a means of countering Iranian influence.

    Syria's ties with Iran and status as a conduit for Iranian supplies to
    Hezbollah in southern Lebanon are central to its anti-Israel posture.

    The GCC's focus on Syria's reconstruction, therefore, comes with a
    major caveat in the form of its close strategic ties with Israel,
    which are based almost entirely on shared opposition to Iran's
    regional influence. Syria, in its damaged and considerably fractured
    state, cannot rationally say no to investments from its wealthy Gulf
    Arab neighbors. Regardless of Syria's promises to Iranian companies to
    give them priority for post-war reconstruction projects, GCC states
    such as the UAE can pitch irresistible offers from their public and
    private sectors to Syria that Iran, crippled by U.S. sanctions, cannot
    hope to match.

    Syria cannot simply ignore the inevitability of GCC 'lobbying' to
    accommodate Israeli demands for one-sided concessions, which will
    inevitably include ridding itself of any and all Iranian or Hezbollah
    presence in the country. The removal of Iranian bases and personnel is
    a longstanding Israeli demand that the GCC would not hesitate to
    encourage Syria to accept, while pitching its Arab League partners as
    a 'replacement' for Iran. Larger and more difficult concessions to
    Israel would not be out of the question either, such as officially
    accepting Israel's occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights.

    The GCC leverage for enacting such a major shift will, of course, be
    economic and financial.

    With Gulf Arab States taking an active role in the country, Syria's
    Internal divisions will inevitably grow. The country's sizable
    pro-Resistance camp will face an emerging chorus of voices that, while
    honoring Iran's wartime assistance to Syria, will advocate that Iran
    be replaced with the GCC as Syria's main regional ally.

    Syrian businessmen and bureaucrats with whom the GCC seeks to partner
    to rebuild Syria will be targeted for cultivation into a domestic
    counterweight to Syria's traditionally powerful military-intelligence
    apparatus, which, understandably, values the decades-old Iranian role
    in containing, successfully thus far, Israeli expansion toward its
    eastern and northern borders.

    Indeed, without Iran and Hezbollah's military successes against
    Israel, both during its occupation of Lebanon and in the 2006 July
    War, Syria would find containing Israel difficult, if not impossible.

    In short, the stage is set for Syria to face a dilemma vis a vis its
    proud status as frontline Arab stalwart against Israel that it has
    never before had to face.

    Turkey as Syria's new enemy number one?
    Exacerbating Syria's dilemma is a potential 'soft spot' within the
    country's political and strategic culture that the GCC is well-poised
    to exploit in its goal of 'rehabilitating' Syria into its fold in a
    way compatible with the GCC-Israel alliance: shared enmity toward
    Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood entity that it fosters.

    Syrian resentment of Turkey is considerable as it was initially one of
    the main supporters of the anti-government rebels, especially the
    Muslim Brotherhood-based groups among them. Syria regards the
    Brotherhood, much like the GCC and its anti-Turkish allies elsewhere
    in the region, as little more than terrorists.

    This shared disdain for all things Muslim Brotherhood will likely be
    exploited by the GCC, who will use the opportunity to push Syria into
    changing its posture from being on the 'forefront of confrontation
    with the Zionist enemy' to the forefront of confrontation with Turkey.

    The strategy, much to Israel's delight, appears to already be in the
    works. It explains the GCC's extremely warm embrace of Assad. An
    embrace that has seen the UAE hail Assad's 'wise leadership' amidst
    general rhetoric from the GCC and its allies in Egypt framing
    Syria-GCC rapprochement as Syria's 'return' to what they pitch as the
    'Arab world.'

    Notwithstanding the obvious dubious nature of this framing given the
    central role Israel plays in this version of the 'Arab world', which
    opposes Iran whose main allies are also Arab, it is being forcefully
    pursued with the new enemy portrayed not as Israel, but as
    Turkey. Iran has, of course, been a 'threat to Arabs' according to the
    GCC since far prior to the current condemnations of Turkey.

    This new found disdain for Turkey can be seen in Libya, where the GCC
    and Egypt are supporting an Israel-armed and propelled anti-Muslim
    Brotherhood warlord in the form of General Khalifa Haftar in the
    Libyan Civil War. Haftar, since 2014, has fought against the
    Brotherhood-based Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli,
    backed militarily by Turkey and officially recognized by the United

    Egypt, for its part, is playing a leading role in Syria's 'return to
    the 'Arab world'. It convened an Arab League meeting in October 2019
    to condemn the erstwhile Turkish military operation in northeastern
    Syria against its Kurdish adversaries and spearheaded threats to
    boycott and sanction Turkey. Egypt's parliament also made a point to
    emphasize support to Syria's military as a matter of Arab unity.

    The anti-Turkish aspect of this bloc has also assumed cultural
    dimensions, seen in anti-Ottoman Empire state-blessed media projects
    in Egypt and the GCC and even the revision of history textbooks to
    project the Ottomans as occupiers of the Arab world.

    With Syria being pushed to reorient its foreign policy around
    opposition to Turkey in favor of cooling relations with Israel, the
    ideological basis of its alliance with Iran and Hezbollah will weaken.

    'Containing' Iran: setting the stage for a cold war in Syria
    In practical terms, persuading Syria to replace Turkey with Israel as
    its primary adversary, and Iran with the GCC as its primary ally will
    require some sort of leverage over the Syrian military. Even setting
    aside the question of how long it would take to successfully
    'influence' the Syrian Arab Army to scale back cooperation with Iran,
    other factors present insurmountable hurdles to this idea.

    Iran and Hezbollah both boast a military infrastructure that is very
    well-entrenched in Syria. The battle by the GCC to downsize Iranian
    influence in the country, and to ultimately reduce its ability to
    utilize Syria as a launching ground for rocket and missile reprisals
    on Israel should the U.S. every directly attack Iran, will likely be
    prolonged and inconclusive.

    The Syrian military, following years of a grueling war, is unlikely to
    agree to steps to curb Iranian strategic depth in Syria knowing its
    status as a weapon against Israel, a country that does not compromise
    on its ambitions in Syria. Even if this were not the case, the task
    itself would be extremely difficult due to how entrenched Iran already
    is in Syria, especially in its east, where Iran has established bases
    which include the particularly large Imam Ali compound straddling the
    Syria-Iraq border.

    Repeated Israeli airstrikes over the years against what it terms as
    Iranian targets have done little to prevent the growth of Iranian
    facilities on the ground and Iran is still very capable of sending
    supplies through Syria to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. Sanctions on
    Iran have similarly done little to uproot it from the territory of its
    Syrian ally.

    Iran, despite the tense situation in the Levant, seems to be pulling
    forward with its long-term goal of direct land access to the
    Mediterranean Sea. Such access means reduced reliance on shipping for
    exports (and weapons) passing through maritime routes heavily
    militarized by Iran's foes, such as the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and
    the Egyptian Suez Canal.

    Iran, who extended a $6 billion credit line to Damascus during the war
    and sanctions period, also leased the Latakia Mediterranean Port from
    Damascus in early 2019 in order to consolidate its foothold in
    Syria. Scheduled to be operational by October 2020, the agreement
    grants Iran control of a harbor and numerous warehouses. Little stands
    in the way of Iran turning the port into a de facto military facility
    should it so choose or for using it to ship weapons aboard cargo

    According to Asharq al Awsat, citing anti-Assad sources, Baniyas Port
    south of Latakia is also being utilized by Iran as a military base and
    to allegedly receive sanctioned Iranian tankers bringing fuel aid to

    As described in an April 2019 article for The Iranian, the lease
    represented a signal of support by Damascus for its Iranian ally and
    acceptance of its foothold in Syria. It also set the grounds for
    increased Israeli attacks, given Israel's steadfast opposition to
    Iran's overall agenda of closely inter-connecting itself with Iraq,
    Syria, and Lebanon in order to strengthen the Resistance Axis.

    Recent developments in the Middle East, however, indicate that the
    predicted Israeli escalation with Iran in Syria as a reprisal to the
    lease may not materialize and a 'Cold War' dynamic may instead be
    chosen to curb Iran.

    The January 3 assassination of renowned Iranian General Qassem
    Soleimani by a U.S. missile strike in Baghdad and the subsequent
    Iranian ballistic missile strike upon a U.S. airbase in Iraq, caused
    major stirs within the Israeli-GCC camp.

    The GCC reacted by immediately showing their absolute opposition to a
    direct U.S. war with Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
    likewise openly 'backed off' following the missile strike, recognizing
    the immense damage to Israel that an all-out U.S.-Iran war would
    invite. Israel's Iron Dome anti-air missile defense systems are
    increasingly incapable of even dealing with Palestinian rockets let
    alone ballistic and cruise missiles from Iran and Hezbollah.

    Israel and the GCC would therefore likely find it prudent to pursue
    their anti-Iran goals through the GCC's long-term neo-Arab project
    underway in Syria. This would allow the GCC to 'lobby' Syria more
    overtly to place Turkey above Israel as its primary enemy and
    gradually 'coax' it out of its Resistance mindset and toward seeing
    Iranian strategic depth in Syria as having lost its necessity.

    Alongside the agriculture land on the Iraqi border in Syria's Deir
    Ezzor Governorate, where the Imam Ali compound is located, Iran also
    secured agreements for a Syria-Iran joint chamber of commerce and a
    joint bank. The entry of an Iranian GSM Cellular telephone network to
    Syria is also being discussed and would help Iran and its allies on
    the ground communicate with less fear of wiretapping by rival
    intelligence agencies.

    All in all, dislodging such Iran's firm presence would require a
    massive, drawn-out effort driven by several countries in tandem with
    one another, countries whose governments are often at loggerheads and
    whose goals otherwise seldom converge. That coordination would also
    have to be uninhibited by other geopolitical setbacks and conflicts
    beyond Syria.

    Message Thread:

    • Wealthy Gulf States Plan to Spend Big to Coax Syria Away from Iran - sashimi February 1, 2020, 6:30 am