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    Austerity blamed for life expectancy stalling for first time in century Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on February 25, 2020, 8:42 am

    Landmark England review says policy causing unprecedented damage to health and life chances

    How deprivation in the north has led to a health crisis
    25 Feb 2020
    Sir Michael Marmot’s review, 10 years after he warned that growing inequalities in society would lead to worse health, reveals a shocking picture across England, which he says is no different to the rest of the UK and could have been prevented.

    Ref Sir Michael Marmot - He should look into the Palestinans' case.

    23 December 2017
    Why does Sir Michael Marmot defend the Israeli Medical Association against accusations of involvement in the torture of Palestinians?

    'When you read a description of Sir Michael Marmot's career you realise that he has been showered with honours. We are told that 'Marmot has a special interest in inequalities in health and its causes'. Perhaps he considers being tortured to be some form of accolade?

    You might have thought that the President of the World Medical Association would be in the forefront of the fight to prevent doctors participating in torture. Unfortunately this is not the case. When it comes to Israel, Marmot and the WMA have deliberately and persistently acted to support the Israeli Medical Association in its active support for doctors who participate in the torture of prisoners.

    As Dr Derek Summerfield shows below, the WMA has persistently refused to look at evidence of the IMA’s culpability. This is the stuff of Nuremburg and crimes against humanity.'


    There has been massive editing of his Wikipedia entry.

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