Ha! At least you're honest.. I'm not up to speed on all the HIV stuff now..Clearly homeless, sick, under-resourced young and middle aged (and overworked), people will be vulnerable.... Drag retired doctors back into work because we don't have enough G.Ps? Great plan Boris!
By all means necessary "we" must pursue the cause of "democratising" the Chinese administration....because (essentially), we want to put China under the dollar (or link the two countries via-corruption within the Chinese administration), in order to ameliorate the "dollar-debt" to the yaun...the Chinese may be corrupt but their administration does not work the same way as that of the U.S or Britain...streamlining is more efficient and leaves a "pure-channel" for market exploitation and of-course (and probably more importantly), data collection....."it's not what you know it's who you know" etc.. would open up the Chinese online community to western influence..I think that may be the game...