Warren was rejected because Vaginas and stuffArchived Message
Posted by Raskolnikov on March 8, 2020, 8:28 am
This article must break some kind of record for being the most deluded, false short-form politcial hagiography ever. Worryingly it was written by the "Dean of Humanities, Sciences, & Business at Converse College, South Carolina" which doesn't give you much hope for their graduates.
Elizabeth Warren was the ideal candidate, but there was only one problem… she was a woman
n the US, it still seems that a smart, well-qualified hopeful must always lose to an ageing white man
In the wake of the 2018 “blue wave”, when the party secured impressive midterms, the Democrats were poised to field one of the most diverse pool of presidential candidates in US history: people of colour, women, an openly gay man, most of them under the age of 55.
And now, in the wake of Super Tuesday, there remain two contenders for the Democratic nomination, both of them white men over the age of 75; neither of them, in my opinion, the most qualified or best candidate for the position. That candidate, Senator Elizabeth Warren, suspended her campaign on Thursday.
An ardent Warren supporter, I was devastated by this news. Her campaign inspired me and reawakened the hope that three years of a Trump administration had all but extinguished. Warren is an intellectual and an academic. She thinks deeply about issues and considers them from multiple perspectives.
More importantly, she recognised her limitations and was receptive to other points of view. And, most essential, she knew when to dig in and when to reverse course. She embodied the balance of head and heart that is so elusive and so essential in a leader, especially the leader of a country as diverse as the United States.
White men, the horror, the horror. She knew when to reverse course alright; when she considered it was good for her political career, #### the rest of you.
It goes on like this until the final, completely wrong chorus:
Despite my sadness, I’m also left with a powerful sense of gratitude. Thank you, Senator Warren, for being such a positive example of grit, integrity and grace. Thank you for standing up for your principles and not backing down from a fight. Thank you for standing for the dignity of all Americans, for working towards inclusivity and opportunity. Thank you, most of all, for your persistence.
Integrity? Lying about her race, being fired for being pregnant, Bernie being a sexist? Right. That kind of integrity.
Grace? Pulling a Hillary 3.0 litany of excuses which include everything but YOU and YOUR BEHAVIOUR AND POLICIES.
Standing up for you principles? Which ones? If you don't like these, I have others.
Also, thank you for your persistence demonstrated by er dropping out.
And then of course not immediately endorsing the progressive in the race but instead having to "think things over". So much for principles. Gtfo and don't come back.