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    Re: Jerusalem as a touristl destination Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on March 8, 2020, 9:10 am, in reply to "Jerusalem as a touristl destination"

    Best to avoid Occupied Israel pro tempore

    'There have been 16 confirmed cases of the virus in Bethlehem, which Israel has imposed a lockdown on in coordination with the Palestinians.

    Palestinian security forces block the entrance to the Angel Hotel in the the West Bank city of Bethlehem
    March 5, 2020.

    The first cases in Bethlehem were reported after a group of Greek tourists stayed in the West Bank city while visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories in late February. The tourists later tested positive for the virus after returning to Greece, while their bus driver, a resident of East Jerusalem, is in critical condition at an Israeli hospital after being diagnosed with COVID-19.'

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