Redknapp is currently appearing in a documentary series based in Sandbanks, overlooking Poole Harbour, which seems to have been invaded by chavs. Old seaside houses have been demolished and multi million grey and white (£5m and upwards) 'residences' have been erected in their place. Redknapp has one of the new ones having flogged the original. Not stupid when it comes to 'deals'.
Sandbanks used to be a gentle sort of place, its beaches popular in the Summer months but left alone otherwise. The chain ferry leaves Sandbanks to take cars across the narrow entrance to Poole Harbour to Shell Bay and the beautiful Isle of Purbeck beyond.
Some of the ancient Scots pine trees which border the roads leading to and from the ferry have been cut down to make way for the 'residences' even though there were Tree Protection Orders in place on them.