What about GOATS? not being flippant.. Archived Message
Posted by David Macilwain on March 8, 2020, 10:30 pm, in reply to "so there are several trials where it has been used outside of controlled trials which have shown"
But there was an eccentric goat keeper here in OZ who wrote the organic goat-keepers bible, and her advice for everything is Vitamin C and Dolomite. Only she was so keen on this that she fed her goats the stuff all the time, but still recommended big doses in cases of mastitis or infections, or almost anything! Being organic ourselves, and wishing to avoid the inevitable antibiotic, our goats have also been subjected to large doses of Vit C on occasion, with results claimed by me to be no different from placebo, and claimed to have cured some condition by my dedicated, but slightly less scientific wife. I just say this as an illustration, because always when it comes to the rub, we have to resort to antibiotics for a cure, and without them there would be more deaths in the end. At the moment we are stuffed full of fruit, so there wouldn't be much point taking Vit C anyway, but considering the COVID equivalent of running out into the snow in the nude and self-infecting rather than self-isolating, in the hope that we'll be healthy enough to get through it and then be resistant! I can see it a bit like the idea of "back burning" where you set fire to your own property around the house so that it can't burn when the fire comes. In the end is the only sure method of protection, apart from running away, fast. Australia is now in full panic mode, which is probably why so many people are having to buy more toilet paper, and fighting over the last packets in the aisles! But the cases are popping up all over, in restaurants and doctors surgeries and flights, so hard to contain.