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    Ms Mikakos in Australia Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on March 9, 2020, 7:58 am

    She must come from the Julia Gillard School of Humanities.

    Coronavirus: 'Shaming' of Australia GP with virus angers doctors

    'Doctors in Australia have demanded an apology from a state health minister who sharply criticised a GP for working while unaware he had coronavirus.

    Dr Chris Higgins treated about 70 patients in Melbourne while sick with what he thought was a cold.

    On Saturday, Victoria's Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said she was "flabbergasted that a doctor that has flu-like symptoms presented to work".'

    The poor doctor. The emergence of the virus seems to have precipitated dislike of fellow humans and neurosis.

    Message Thread:

    • Ms Mikakos in Australia - Mary March 9, 2020, 7:58 am