Re: Labour are dead, don't mourn,... For the naive. Archived Message
Posted by gio74 on March 10, 2020, 8:36 am, in reply to "Labour are dead, don't mourn, rejoice - nm"
Celebrate what exactly? The vacuum of a dying Labour party will not necessarily be replaced by a better more radical alternative. In fact, the evidence points to the right filling in this gap. This applies to both any Parliamentary vehicle and other new movements outside of it. I will bet anyone on this board that no socialist party will gain popular support and get anywhere near the levers of power for the next decade. I said the right will become dominant amongst workers, amongst the very people who you think will push for socialism. I have yet to be refuted. Post election, the left is dying as I said it would. This country isn't going to suddenly support a new Socialist party when Labour goes.. Not in enough numbers. So, to those who say 'rejoice' i say you have no evidence that any large enough mass, force, or counter hegemonic project is on the horizon. What exactly are you rejoicing about? Eh?