Federal Agents arrested Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University's Department of Chemistry..Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on March 11, 2020, 2:09 pm
"Muz Murray. Another Nazi Scientist that was invited to America via Operation Paperclip? Robert Kreuz 13 February at 11:42 In case you missed it, yesterday, Federal Agents arrested Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, with lying to the Department of Defense about secret monthly payments of $50,000.00 paid by China and receipt of millions more to help set up a chemical/biological “Research” laboratory in China. Also arrested were two Chinese “Students” working as research assistants, one of whom was actually a lieutenant in the Chinese Army, the other captured at Logan Airport as he tried to catch a flight to China - smuggling 21 vials of “Sensitive Biological Samples” according to the FBI.
Oh, almost forgot. The research lab the good professor had helped set up? It’s located at the Wuhan University of Technology. Wuhan China is ground zero to the potentially global pandemic known as the “Coronavirus”which is both spreading rapidly and killing people.
This is Stephen Coonts international spy novel stuff happening in real life - and it has barely made the news.
Gerard Hales. Too much of it going on...we're swamped (literally re: flooding), but as Frank Herbert said "key-logs and dependencies" The people of China (in my not inconsiderable experience of them #SouthamptonUniversity), are not stupid...they now know what being under constant surveillance will mean......those without mobile-phones who are (obviously), not using the "tracking app" the Chinese authorities are using to police the lock-down and the monitoring of contacts etc. are being denied access to d**n near anything....time we got a campaign started to pile the d**n things up in parliament square and tell them where they can stick their technology (the lot of 'em). We've just "gifted" the Chinese British steel....BRITISH STEEL..oh o.k we sold Wilkinson Sword to the Japanese (and they ruined it), so what are we trying to do, balance the books (the Chinese I've met oft loathe the Japs..I remember one lass -whose grandfather was eaten by a tiger on the Long March....Loong story too-, who was insistent, when trying to buy a mobile phone in the UK that she would NOT buy Japanese)? Sheesh..has anyone in this country heard of E.F.Schumacher? Flybe (whose loss has crippled our local airport and threatened to force a runway extension), is an internal and local route airline but it's been sacrificed now...no calls for the govt. to step in and purchase for the nation...same with British Steel...highest bidder shortest term profit...Globalism heh? What a shambles.. 🥺" https://www.facebook.com/MantraMuz/posts/10222594087581347?comment_id=10222894432129773&reply_comment_id=10222905870055714