Re: Thanks for posting. This is essential reading.. Get involved in the tweedledum/tweedledee charade Archived Message
Posted by brooks on March 12, 2020, 10:11 am, in reply to "Thanks for posting. This is essential reading.. Get involved in the tweedledum/tweedledee charade "
That's not the way I see it. What the state really wants is for us to show up every four years or so, vote, and go back to our own lives, far away from the political arena and to believe that that's democracy. What it really wants, demands, that we don't do is organize grassroots movements whether inside or outside electoral politics that bring people together, give them a sense of their political agency, and put forth political demands/platforms based on what the people want at odds with the state religion. They'll mobilize the state to destroy both with equal commitment, Occupy encampments or insurgent presidential/Prime Ministerial campaigns, which tells you that they fear both equally, and that what they really want - demand - is disengagement. Both kinds of organizing are worth doing, are not mutually exclusive, and there have been great achievements won by both. The working class in Venezuela benefitted immensely from Chavez' electoral victory. The greatest mass-based political movement in Haiti that took over the electoral system in 1990 and continues to be a major force in the country, despite the coup against the president they got into office. FDR, because of the movements pressuring him, brought in reforms that also benefitted a large percentage of the working class and gave them political space that should have been used to assert more revolutionary demands and probably would have been if the movements that forced his hand were not crushed by McCarthyism and extreme repression under COINTELPRO. As Johnstone says in this article, Sanders supporters: have been very successful this year. They should hold their heads up with pride. And keep fighting.