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    BiBiC pushing tory stooges again Archived Message

    Posted by Raskolnikov on April 1, 2020, 7:11 am

    NHS doctors, nurses and others in the front line of the fight against the coronavirus have been pleading for personal protective equipment (PPE) and telling their stories of treating gravely-ill patients with no suitable protective wear,

    Video evidence has shown NHS staff with inadequate equipment – even just after the Tories claimed they had delivered 170 million masks (a claim now retracted) – and none wearing the masks recommended by the World Health Organisation.

    But BBC News today found an NHS consultant who went against the flow and told its viewers that the NHS has never had a PPE shortage.

    He seemed surprisingly cheerful as he did so, given the stress and strain on front-line NHS staff.

    But as Twitter user @ukdemockery discovered, Dr Daniels seems to be, or has been in the past, a member of the Conservative Party – and a keen enough one to attend the Tories’ conference:

    Original article includes video of this stooge in action.

    Remember when Johnson was confronted at the hospital and Lying Laura couldn't wait to "reveal" the parent involved was...gasp... a Labour "activist"? Not so keen on revealing anything now are we, Lying Laura?

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