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    My Silence - Worst Fear Becomes Reality (Emotionally Shattered) Archived Message

    Posted by Chris Rogers on April 1, 2020, 1:27 pm

    Will not be posting much as had my own worst fears come true in the UK.

    A dearest friend who I have loved since I set eyes upon her so many years ago and who made a huge impact on my life trajectory has infected family members with this Covid-19 Virus.

    A Ward Sister in NHS England, she's been on the front lines for over a week, the virus had infected in-patients even before the surge.

    The Hospital lacked the most basic PPE equipment and RT-PCR tests, which were rationed.

    Although home Isolating from her family, her husbands is now a victim.

    I have been feeding her as much info from Asian research as possible to alert her to many government failures, failures that she too is a victim of now.

    I'm 6000 miles away giving as much moral support as I can and have ensured I've communicated with those few folks I hold dear in the UK to tell them how much they have mean't to me.

    My own family in both Wales and here in Hong Kong are fine, although in a community of 6000 we have 18 persons in home quarantine all having arrived here from overseas very recently.

    Its finally hit home and breaking my heart that i have failed in my own personal efforts to try and get a government into office in the Uk that cares.

    I'm in tears about this issue and at a loss - so, its finally hit home and personal.

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