Re: When it comes to racism, clearest example is - - - Israel. Archived Message
Posted by Ian M on April 3, 2020, 11:02 am, in reply to "When it comes to racism, clearest example is - - - Israel."
Thanks for that Laurie. They really are beneath contempt: 'At the time of writing not a single drive-through station for coronavirus tests has been set up in Arab communities. The original plan for the drive-through points included seven Jewish communities, and not a single Arab one. Therefore, information about the drive-through plan was published only in Hebrew. The Arabs didn’t hear about these points on time, and due to the distance and the information delay, only a small number of Arabs asked to be tested in the Jewish communities. The paucity of requests led to a decision not to establish drive-through points in Arab communities. Only after the intervention of Arab members of Knesset was a promise made to set them up, but this is being delayed.' Any excuse to kick Arabs in the teeth. Racist filth... I