Posted by Mary on April 3, 2020, 2:10 pm, in reply to "IMO not ill"
I think you are right. The thought of him being locked away did cross my mind.
We seem to be behind the loop on testing.
'Although the NHS are hoping to test hundreds of thousands of people each day, the current figures fall some way short of that. On March 29, the Health Secretary tweeted that the Government was "ahead of schedule".
@MattHancock NEWS: Good news that we’ve reached 10,000 #coronavirus tests a day - ahead of schedule. We’re on track to 25,000. #StayHomeSaveLives 16K 09:31 - 29 Mar 2020
However, on March 30, the Government's attempt to ramp up mass coronavirus testing was dealt a blow after key components ordered from overseas were discovered to be contaminated with coronavirus. Laboratories across the country were warned to expect a delay after traces of the virus were detected in parts due for delivery.