China Wants to Use the Coronavirus to Take Over the WorldArchived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on April 4, 2020, 9:21 pm
Taking Over the World eh?...I'll be impressed if they get a smidgen of elbow room past Western cockwombles like this one selling us their own brand of bullshit.
"BRUNO MAÇÃES, a former politician in Portugal, is a senior fellow at Hudson Institute. "
-When I see "senior fellow" I read "useful plonker" and the..."Hudson Institute"... Conservative think tank, Washington based, founded by Herman Kahn and his colleagues at the RAND Corporation: In short, Salesmen for Death.
For big daddy Herman: think John Bolton on Steroids with added explosive implants.
Loony Tunes here (-Its enough you know its out there: doesn't require reading)
China Wants to Use the Coronavirus to Take Over the World