Hey, Jeremy Corbyn, here's a philosophy book for you - The Courage to be Disliked.Archived Message
Posted by Der on April 5, 2020, 4:26 am
You know, right at the beginning, when you, with John McDonnell at your side and the membership at your back, stood up to the PLP and the baying media, you showed real courage.
Where the hell did it all go? You could have done anything. Or had a fecking go, at least. Who cares if some half-wits call you an anti-semite or a racist if you know in your heart it's not true.
Jeez, I've had idiots on this website who've never stood beside anybody where it actually counts - out on the street - call me a racist. People like that are worth nothing, man.
You should have just ignored them, and carried on being true to yourself. At the end of the day that's all any of us can do.
Oh yeah, and I joined that rubbish goddamn party. I actually paid good money just to vote for you. And you betrayed me, you bastard. I could handle that. But you betrayed the Palestinians, man. How the feck could you do that? From the river to the sea... Did it mean nothing? Gaza? Nothing? A goddamn concentration camp! All those kids with amputated limbs, week after week. And you're afraid of a few words. You turned your back on them all. To choose to do nothing when you could make a difference, well, that's collusion, man.
You threw it all away to appease a bunch of lowlifes. To save your name, no less.