Jin Shin Jyutsu Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on April 5, 2020, 9:30 am, in reply to "The Queen to stress Strength and Discipline. Eat porridge. I'd prefer cake. nm"
Porridge? Very good for you...try some #JinShinJyutsu*, she lived through the War and the Cuban Missile Crisis et.al.. still working over 90? Must be something to it... #AnarchoSyndicalism *Good advice....fine time to try it.. (marvellous discipline the real trick of the practitioner is to teach others how to perform the "flows" themselves); "JIN SHIN JYUTSU is the Art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. Our bodies contain several energy pathways that feed life into all of our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this damming effect may lead to discomfort or even pain. This blockage or stagnation will not only disrupt the local area but will continue and eventually disharmonize the complete path or paths of the energy flow. Through Jin Shin Jyutsu our awareness is awakened to the simple fact that we are endowed with the ability to harmonize and balance ourselves (in rhythm with the universe) physically, mentally and spiritually. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art as opposed to a technique because a technique is a mechanical application, whereas an art is a skillful creation. This beautiful, simple Art is our inheritance. According to ancient written records, which remain in the Archives of the Imperial Palace in Japan, Jin Shin Jyutsu was widely known before the birth of Gautama (Buddha, India), before the birth of Moses (recorded in the Bible), and before the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Things - Japan, A.D. 712). Jin Shin Jyutsu is an innate part of man's wisdom - simplifying the complexities of existence - and is truly an Art of Living." https://www.jsjinc.net/pagedetails.php?id=jsj&ms=8 Practice 1: https://www.jsjinc.net/pagedetails.php?id=maincentral-flow&ms=8 There are videos of a number of the other flows available on YouTube too...