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    What ya do Keith? LOL "Mysterious burning object lights up the skies above Hull" Archived Message

    Posted by Ed on April 19, 2020, 11:01 pm

    Mysterious burning object lights up the skies above Hull

    A mysterious burning object was spotted flying across the sky above Hull on Sunday evening.

    The “bright orange” object was spotted by several people moving slowly over the north of the city leaving a trail in its wake before disappearing.

    Rebecca Holmes saw it from her garden in Bransholme.

    She said : “I was sat in the garden, my husband was doing some gardening and I looked up and it was so bright orange and it was just gliding really slowly like something was burning but it was definitely too slow to be a shooting star.

    “It was weird it looked like either a plane or a rocket or something.

    “But it was just going really slow over the houses and then it just seemed to stop and stay still and it just disappeared. It was so weird....

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