Millions saw through the establishment puppet show together and had their 'consent shattered'. Archived Message
Posted by marknadim on April 22, 2020, 8:12 am, in reply to "Corbyn: 'We can fix our failing media by setting journalists and citizens free to hold power to"
The experience of huge numbers of new members and supporters of a radical green revolution / billionaire-taxing movement united for 5 years shifted Britain's mindset to the left. At the same time it pushed the counterweight propaganda to extreme levels in its efforts to protect the billionaire class by ridiculing and demonising the Corbyn-sparked movement, exposing the muscles and tendons of its nefarious workings to the British public like never before. The party itself may now be led by - as someone here nicely put it - "The Tory B team", but the lasting effect of millions of media-enlightened cynics is not to be sniffed at. And Corbyn put out quite a lot of heretical detail too as shown above.