Absolutely brilliant. A stinging diatribe on "The scandalous shortage of PPE". Archived Message
Posted by Der on April 28, 2020, 8:55 am, in reply to "Panorama Have the UK Government failed the NHS. 27th April 2020"
That's an actual quote from the presenter of the programme. A no holds barred criticism of the government from start to finish. And I liked the way they didn't have any government spokesman on to feed us more drivel. Cleaning equipment, detergent and paper towels all counted as PPE in order to boost the figures of PPE the government say they provided. And, if that's not bad enough, they counted pairs of gloves as 2 items! I suppose we should be grateful they didn't count them by the finger. 1 pair of gloves = 10 items. Best thing I've seen on the BBC in years. There goes the licence fee. A sad loss! Professor John Ashton was in fine form. Thanks for posting that. It was on at 7.30 last night - a lot of people might have missed it. How anybody can clap the government's performance after seeing this beats me!