Re: Hasty rearangement of bookshelves by the slebs ongoing Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on May 5, 2020, 1:30 pm, in reply to "Hasty rearangement of bookshelves by the slebs ongoing"
'Just to show how well read I am donchaknow." 'Now don't be an inverted snob Mary: a lot of Tory politicians have never read the books behind them; the libraries of the elite were previously bought by yards, feet and bind-quality rather than content so Gove gets points for actually having bought his own books: its just unfortunate for him that his selection illustrates the limpness of his mind. On a confessional front, when young we were the only working class family for miles I think possessed of a bookcase and a genuine encyclopedia... taking a photo anywhere in my house presently you would be hard pressed to avoid books in the frame... when they got to four figure levels we started putting them in the loft. The rise of the electronic book though has saved me reinforcing the joists: I only buy real books when I can't avoid it these days.