Re: Prof Ferguson resigns. Going down like ninepins. Archived Message
Posted by Tomski on May 6, 2020, 12:11 am, in reply to "Prof Ferguson resigns. Going down like ninepins."
I have a lot of regard for Imperial College. I was taught by their graduates, and they were very smart. Computer modelling (not epidemiology : )). All chasing skirts (it did have a couple of lady lecturers there too but they were not interested in socialising : )). Whatever. My disappointment was that he got the figures so wrong. Granted, it stopped Bozo from going down the Sweden road (Brits are more ‘unruly’, at the end of the day tg : )). Secondly, there was a worm of doubt, that Gates and other assorted client BPharma entities were at the back of his mind, naturally. Mind, he didn’t have much data and therefore he/they made a lot of very conservative assumptions. Still, it was wildly wrong, certainly in retrospect. Disappointed from TW etc. Meanwhile, I am quite happy that we didn't go down that Sweden road (it will give the hedge-funders something to do as they wait for Bozo to make up his mind (as if)). He has us in the palm of his hand ... we want to be in the lockdown, because we feel it is unsafe if we go to work. Mission accomplished methinks ... Let’s see how smart Imperial College will be getting in someone to carry the torch for the brand. Another Starmer? … probably : (. It could be worse .