This has actually been a pretty successful vaccine. The Salk and Sabin vaccines have almost eradicated polio, but not quite.
Sabin is a live vaccine, taken orally (sugar lump). Polio is one of the most highly mutagenic viruses, and the live vaccine (the Sabin one) occasionally mutates to virulence. Polio is transmitted by the feco-oral route. When we take the polio vaccine orally, we shit-out any mutants that may have arisen and flush them down the pan. So Polio was eradicated in developed countries.
Last time I looked, there was still Polio in Nigeria and Bangladesh and, yes, it is from the vaccine, and the outbreaks were in areas without running water and/or sewage treatment.
So I guess there are two ways of looking at it: The Corbett way, that the oral polio vaccine has led to many cases of polio in poor countries, or that the vaccine has led to the near eradication of polio globally.
I guess my comment would be that, like a lot of diseases, Polio is now a disease of poverty, in countries that have maybe crippling IMF loans, and/or western-supported governments that don't raise up their own people, etc. To me, this was the canary in the coalmine on Corbett. I had no problem listening to what he had to say, but there are different ways of looking at the same thing: (a) Vaccines are dubious, or (b) completely eradicating a disease globally is a very tall order indeed, and nothing less than a demand of total success in (b) leads naturally to the default conclusion of (a).
This theme reoccurs with Bill Gates: The idea of the Gates Foundation was that there had been no progress in vaccines against tropical diseases like Malaria, because the market is impoverished. No money to be made. Gates steps in and funds it philanthropically. So what's the end-game in that? After some general blurb about foundation money leveraging up future profits by big pharma, Corbett realizes the impasse, so concludes that the reason must be that Gates wants to control humanity :-) But that's a topic for another day :-) So...I guess we wait for another day.
Meanwhile the possibility Gates maybe feels guilty for all those computer viruses never enters the equation. Maybe he doesn't but unlike Corbett, I don't claim to be able to read Gates's mind just from general blurb that is out there on the internet.