If you don't know the whole story, then it must all be rejected. Archived Message
Posted by Shyaku on May 15, 2020, 11:53 pm, in reply to "Re: Shy, what do you think of Rupert Sheldrake's idea that we have literally no idea at all HOW genes"
This is a recurring theme. Its 10x worse in astrophysics. You find evidence for everything that happened since the first 10^-49 sec of the universe, there are no tools available to look further then all the quacks come out the woodwork. Another example: 1. Models make assumption of how much people will social distance. 2. Based on this assumption model predicts virus cases. 3. More social distancing is practiced than assumed. 4. Model over-predicts virus cases. 5. Idiots say models are wrong so we don't need social distance. Yet the same people are happy to upgrade their iphones every year without first waiting till the very final one comes out before acknowledging it can be a useful device.