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    Deaths from Covid-19 Archived Message

    Posted by Mary on August 12, 2020, 6:33 pm

    The total figure will be reduced by 5,400 tomorrow.

    Behind the headlines: Counting COVID-19 deaths
    12 August 2020 -


    'Does this mean you have overcounted deaths from COVID-19 in England?
    The total number of deaths reported in the daily numbers is less than the total number of deaths registered with COVID-19 on the death certificate, so the numbers reported have not generally been an over estimate. However, in recent weeks the numbers of deaths in people who have tested positive have become substantially greater than the numbers of deaths subsequently registered as COVID-19 deaths by the ONS, which is why we are now changing our approach to reporting deaths.'

    Everything is a middle.

    Message Thread:

    • Deaths from Covid-19 - Mary August 12, 2020, 6:33 pm