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    Google Blogger Revamp Spectacular Fail.. Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on September 28, 2020, 11:47 am

    "It's APPALLING! Frightening uploaded photos appear only as TEXT..(how may I ask do I caption TEXT?), sizing is done in a separate window but that's o.k because the photos can't be seen on page anyway (you need to SEE the images you are working with for Christ's-sake), the legacy system for text and image location was also far, far more user friendly .... (we all know there were some formatting issues with legacy but you could avoid some of those because you could actually SEE what you were doing), .. I've been on Blogger for over seven years and am in despair ...please, please Google return us to legacy and admit that this enforced change has failed....ever hear; "if it ain't broke don't fix it"? I'm furious...try posting a link now...I had to copy-paste urls instead (so no actual linkage), the stupid link window whilst present DOESN'T ACTUALLY WORK! Bl**dy rubbish..I'm seething.."


    Message Thread:

    • Google Blogger Revamp Spectacular Fail.. - Gerard September 28, 2020, 11:47 am