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    Pentagon announces partial withdrawal from Afghanistan – 2,500 troops to remain Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on November 17, 2020, 10:00 pm

    1/3rd of the military withdrawing. Depends how one counts these i.e. counting the 'regulars' and not outsourced mercs or other nation troops.

    The US will withdraw 500 troops from Iraq and 2,000 from Afghanistan before President Donald Trump leaves office, leaving around 2,500 soldiers in each country, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller has announced.

    In a press briefing on Tuesday, Miller said the troop withdrawals will take place before January 15, 2021.

    "I celebrate this day as we continue the president's consistent progress in completing the mission we began two decades ago," Miller told reporters, adding that the withdrawal decision was a "collaborative" one between Trump and senior US military leaders.

    LIVE: Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller speaks to reporters at the Pentagon

    — Department of Defense 🇺🇸 (@DeptofDefense) November 17, 2020

    While Trump is still contesting the presidential election results, which have yet to be officially called despite major news outlets declaring victory for Democrat Joe Biden, it appears he will partly fulfill his campaign promise to withdraw troops from the Middle East before his likely departure from office.

    Miller said talks with the Taliban remain "ongoing." The Trump administration previously signed an agreement with Taliban leaders promising a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by mid-2021 if they upheld agreed-upon counterterrorism measures.

    This peace deal remains the goal, Miller said on Tuesday.

    The acting defense secretary, who stepped into the role after the president recently fired Mark Esper, has made clear he is interested in seeing an end to US engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, which has gone on for nearly two decades.


    Meanwhile, is this what Thierry Meyssan is confirming?:

    Message Thread:

    • Pentagon announces partial withdrawal from Afghanistan – 2,500 troops to remain - Tomski November 17, 2020, 10:00 pm