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    Caitlin Johnstone: Imperialism in Pumps Archived Message

    Posted by margo on November 21, 2020, 7:04 pm

    Don't know what Caitlin eats and drinks down in Australia to give her the energy to churn out these zingers every week ... (apologies if this has been posted here before)

    Quote: "Let’s clear this up before the girl-power parade starts: the first woman to head the U.S. war machine will not be a groundbreaking pioneer of feminist achievement.
    She will be a mass murderer who wears Spanx.
    Her appointment will not be an advancement for women, it will be imperialism in pumps".

    Previous Message

    "President-elect Joe Biden is expected to take a historic step and select a woman to head the Pentagon for the first time, shattering one of the few remaining barriers to women in the department and the presidential Cabinet,” reads a new report from the AP. “Michele Flournoy, a politically moderate Pentagon veteran, is regarded by U.S. officials and political insiders as a top choice for the position.”

    [...] This word “moderate” which the AP news agency keeps bleating is of course complete nonsense. Standing in the middle ground between two corporatist warmongering parties does not make you a moderate, it makes you a corporatist warmonger. Flournoy is no more “moderate” than the “moderate rebels” in Syria which mass-media outlets like AP praised for years until it became undeniable that they were largely Al Qaeda affiliates; the only reason such a position can be portrayed as mainstream and moderate is because vast fortunes have been poured into making it that way.

    ‘Angel of Death’

    As we discussed recently, Flournoy is a bloodthirsty imperialist and war profiteer who peace activists Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies accurately labeled an “angel of death” for the American empire. As leader of the laughably titled Department of “Defense” she can be expected to oversee the same agendas of unipolar global domination at the expense of rivers of blood as her predecessors, in more or less exactly the same ways.

    There is nothing special or noteworthy about a murderous ghoul rising to the top of a war machine that can only be run by murderous ghouls. But because Michele Flournoy is a woman, we will see her appointment as “defense” secretary applauded and upheld as a major landmark for women by a political/media class which has never cared about women beyond their ability to turn the gears of the machine"..... /continues

    Article at Consortium News LINK

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