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    The excruciatingly shameful downfall of Jeffrey Toobin. Archived Message

    Posted by Morrissey on January 16, 2021, 11:58 pm

    ... However, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn. Now Mr. Toobin, who denounced Edward Snowden in the pages of the New Yorker as “a grandiose narcissist who deserves to be in prison,” has fallen from grace, not for being the snot-nosed, fat-faced, “grandiose narcissist” groveler to power that he is, but for, well, Toobining during a Zoom conference.* My first thought when I read about the shockingly uncouth things those Trumpian hoi polloi did in Nancy Pelosi’s office was, Where was Mr. Toobin when we needed him to teach proper conference-room etiquette? Meanwhile, it’s reported that New Yorker editor David Remnick, who was once buddy-buddy with Mr. Toobin, has now severed all ties with him. That’s what friends are for….

    * Oxford English Dictionary defines Toobining as “a rare disease, but common among Jewish putzes, originating in Martha’s Vineyard, characterized by an overwhelming urge to pleasure oneself during video conference calls.”

    Message Thread:

    • The excruciatingly shameful downfall of Jeffrey Toobin. - Morrissey January 16, 2021, 11:58 pm