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    Re: Another 'Silent Running' blog posting... Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on January 17, 2021, 6:35 pm, in reply to "Re: Another 'Silent Running' blog posting..."

    Nice one Mark, I get the thing about the msm being like an abusive relationship. It feels so healthy and liberating to not have any tv/radio/newspapers in my life but every once in a while I get drawn back in, either for the news or some entertainment or comedy item, and I have about 5 minutes of "huh, maybe it'll be different this time, that wasn't actually too bad" but sure enough along comes a big whopper or the words of intelligence services presented as fact or someone dissing Assange or Corbyn, or even the harhar dinner party banter of R4 comedy which pretends to be apolitical but couldn't in fact be moreso... Why do we keep going back to them?

    Good job, too, exposing the insane (lack of) values behind 'fish stocks' and other attempts to encourage us to view living, breathing, self-willed creatures as nothing more than 'resources' waiting for us to 'develop' or 'consume' them. It recalls Derrick Jensen's argument that any way of life based on the use of resources can never be sustainable:

    Think about it. You’re going about your life, when someone comes along who wants to make money by “developing” the “natural resources” that are your body. He’s going to harvest your organs for transplantation, your bones for fertilizer, your flesh for food.

    You might respond, “Hey, I was using that heart, those lungs.”

    That meadow, that bay, that forest were all using what you call “natural resources.” Those “natural resources” were keeping them alive. Those “natural resources” are their very body. Without them they die, just as you would.

    It doesn’t help to throw the word “sustainable” onto the front of whatever you’re going to do. Exploitation is still exploitation, even if you call it “sustainable exploitation.” Destruction is still destruction, even if you call it “sustainable destruction.”

    Any way of life that’s based on the use non-renewable resources and based on the hyper-exploitation of (so-called) renewable resources… Any way of life that perceives the world around them as consisting of resources and not beings and communities to enter into these reciprocal relationships with, is going to destroy its land base. This culture has been destroying its land base for the last 6000 years. That’s not very smart on a finite planet. -

    Might have to check out the Silent Running film, though it sounds a bit 'light green' and shallow from your description. Baez's vibrato always grated on me too


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