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    Sky News Australia's dismal, dimwitted Rowan Dean Archived Message

    Posted by Morrissey on December 8, 2021, 10:09 am

    Although he never has anything thoughtful or original or interesting, or even remotely entertaining, to say, Rowan Dean has been given a prime spot to spray his opinions on Sky News Australia, which is probably the most embarrassing and disreputable of all of Rupert Murdoch's embarrassing and disreputable outlets.

    It takes a special anti-talent to manage to stand out as a boofhead on a channel that is home to the likes of Alan Jones (outwitted and humiliated live on air by Chopper Read), [1] Paul Murray, Derryn Hinch, and Sharri Markson. But that's the dubious distinction earned by Dean.

    His performance on this evening's shit-show was typically egregious. It would be misleading to suggest that his wandery, sub-Biden style comments, delivered in a very slow, deliberate, condescending manner, had anything like a coherent and rational order to them; they are of interest only in that they illustrate the vacuousness, and lack of substance in the commentary that spews out of this awful channel, 24 hours a day without respite.

    Tonight the focus of Rowan Dean's comical display of slow-talking anger was "the socialist paradise that is New Zealand, and its communist Queen Jacinda". Mercifully he stopped his foaming for a minute or so, making way for footage of Jacinda Ardern speaking. Then Dean embarked on a wandery diatribe, in which he attempted to link her comments somehow to an obscure social media post by a teacher in Philadelphia, which Dean wrongly told his mouth-drooling audience was "Joe Biden's home state of Pennsylvania."

    People---normal, sane people that is---in America and Britain often scoff at the "braindead" nature of the notorious Fox News channel; one wonders how Americans and Brits would react if they were subjected to the moronic fare served up to the poor old Aussie unfortunates who make a habit of listening to this 24/7 black comedy performance. The likes of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld, even the hapless Steve Doocy, at least have the ability to speak clearly and make a case.

    The disturbing feeling that one is peeking into an antipodean madhouse was only enhanced by perusing the line-up for the rest of the evening. Next item on the menu: "Nuclear Power: The Clean Energy Debate."


    Message Thread:

    • Sky News Australia's dismal, dimwitted Rowan Dean - Morrissey December 8, 2021, 10:09 am