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    Re: Larry Makes A Good Analogy Archived Message

    Posted by Sinister Burt on July 7, 2022, 12:33 pm, in reply to "Larry Makes A Good Analogy"

    I'm not so sure - wasn't churchill also a 'journalist' (or writer) long before being a politician, who got famous for writing reactionary and xenophobic shite in the boer-war, then vacillated between ideologies according to which would give him the best chance of advancement (being a 'liberal' while trying to introduce the world's first eugenics law, then switching to tory when it suited later on).

    Both famously racist and homophobic, both said anti-semitic things (johnson 'hook nosed jews connected to banking' in his 'novel'; churchil's problem with the 'international jew' (by which he meant communist, just like hitler did). Also both massively self-obsessed and entitled and with huge delusions of grandeur, and a large part of whose later reputation probably came from his view that 'history will treat me kindly as i intend to write it!'. I'd say they're not too far different (i'm not too bothered if i'm being inaccurate about churchil's capabilities to help the comparison - you might say: my view of churchil's history will treat him unkindly as i intend to write it)

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