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    Re: It rang a bell. MoA reported on this a couple of days ago .. Archived Message

    Posted by Ken Waldron on November 14, 2022, 1:37 pm, in reply to "It rang a bell. MoA reported on this a couple of days ago .."

    "...Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism characterized these 'currencies' and their surrounding as 'prosecution futures'..."

    Like that: may steal.

    Its amazing how people become identified with their crypto. its "magic money": all very personal and quasi religious. I was reminded of this a while back when a long term friend who had have actually made some money in it a few years back (when it surged an became the latest thing) was telling me how he had banged about ten thousand more into bitcoin over the last year. We had had a few drinks and I pointed out that he had lost half this money... at which he went into a near mad frenzy and almost threatened violence.
    I'm like "...calm down- its just fact: Google the price..."

    Even showing him the graph it was total denial...

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