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    Keir Starmer paints his vision for the UK's future... plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on November 22, 2022, 11:34 pm

    Starmer in fine form "Putting the economy ahead of some good Labour things"

    He doesn't say exactly what those "good Labour things" he's ditching are, but I think most of us can imagine what they might be. Basically he's a crisis capitalist as described by Naomi Klein in "The Shock Doctrine". - According to Starmer, the Tories alone are responsible for the dire straits of the UK. Nothing to do with forty years of economic mayhem from neoliberalism and that world capitalism has already totally failed twice in 12 years, 2008 GFC and again with Covid. So that means that the nation cannot afford to do anything different, we have to double down on the capitulation to globalisation, the market, the Bank of England and the corporate agenda. First knock the citizenry economically senseless then bring them back to life to do the same thing again.

    It's no wonder Putin is popular in Russia, as he pretty well single-handedly saved his country from fate similar to Argentina and Greece, and now coming to a country rather nearer you.

    A few weeks ago Starmer said out loud that what the UK needs is "Growth, growth, growth" a mantra repeated in its entirety by Liz Truss.

    I think anyone looking at the state of the world, our distress, whether our planet's distress - it's air, its lands, its waters - , our societies' distress, our economies and our institutions and our now 8 billion population, that thinks this is the way to a comfortable future is in reality certifiably "insane, insane, insane". CoP 27, Starmerism writ large, is proof enough.

    Some of his speech:

    Sir Keir stressed the way Labour had changed since he took over from Jeremy Corbyn in 2020, saying he had turned the party “inside out”.

    “This is a different Labour Party and there is no going back, we are ready for partnership.”

    He said Labour would “give Britain the clear economic leadership it needs” and told business chiefs the party would “work with you to drive our country forward”.

    “Not just a pro-business party, but a party that is proud of being pro-business, that respects the contribution profit makes to our jobs, growth and our tax base,” he said.

    “(A party) that gets that working people want success as well as support, understands that backing private enterprise is the only way that Britain pays its way in the world.

    “This is a matter of conviction for me and I have united my party behind it.”

    He said he would put economic stability ahead of implementing some of Labour’s plans for government – although he would not set out which policies would be postponed.

    “We will inherit an economy that’s been damaged by the last 12 weeks and the last 12 years, and we need to fundamentally accept that as an incoming government,” he said.

    “Restoring stability is key. There’s a cost to instability and we have been paying that cost over the last few weeks and over the last few years.”

    That would mean restoring faith in the economic institutions and following clear fiscal rules.

    “That stability has to be our first priority. If that means there are things – good Labour things – which we can’t do as quickly as we would like, then that is a consequence of that security.”

    It would be impossible to place this rhetoric against that of any right wing leader around the world and find any difference.

    So when the good and very worried citizens of the UK come to vote in the next general election, and looks for help in their desperation, they will have the practical measure of a true, modern democracy, and that is the choice between the moribund capitalist Tweedledum and the expiring capitalist Tweedledee.

    Message Thread:

    • Keir Starmer paints his vision for the UK's future... plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - John Monro November 22, 2022, 11:34 pm