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    Re: What did they expect? - Left wing activists being targeted and blocked on twitter Archived Message

    Posted by Itchy Bootmore on November 30, 2022, 3:52 pm, in reply to "The Intercept - Left wing activists being targeted and blocked on twitter"

    To be blunt, what did they expect? Several years of shrill accusations resulting in removal, cancelling or shadowbanning of (supposed) right-wing commentators / posters had an equal and opposite reaction when the boot shifted to the other foot!
    It's what happens when you try to limit or define what constitutes 'acceptable' free speech! People might not like what they read/hear, but the point is everyone has the right to say/write it. The debate is then to be had (Subject of course to blatant invective or threats of violence etc all the usual unacceptable views).

    Plus: ""I also agree that Twitter shouldn't have censored the Hunter Biden laptop story" Loder said. "We just don't want outright Nazis posting our home addresses..." Well...quite. Bit late now, ya d1ck.

    For what it's worth, I don't find these 'left-wing' activists very left wing. A bit indulgent in waffly horse manure and outright shrill gob-shitery when I trawls through a few linked topics...

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