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    Gordon Brown - with no sense of irony - urges Nuremberg-style tribunal for Putin’s crimes Archived Message

    Posted by johnlilburne on December 28, 2022, 9:56 pm

    Gordon Brown

    A special international tribunal now taking shape in The Hague could indict President Putin for the crime of aggression.

    Such a tribunal which President Zelensky requested in October is now endorsed by the European Union the Council of Europe and NATO.

    And the Dutch government is ready to finance the creation of an interim office to prepare the case against Putin.

    Aggression is a statutory crime in Ukraine -– and if proven in court, aggression could constitute what the Nuremberg trials termed the “supreme international crime”.

    We need a special tribunal because the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) cannot exercise its jurisdiction over crimes of aggression relating to Ukraine and Russia.

    Aggression is indeed Putin’s original crime and there is precedent for a special tribunal: nations met in London in 1941 to draft a declaration on Nazi war crimes which led to the Nuremberg trials.

    There should be no hiding place for Russia’s warmongers. By striking fear that long prison sentences lie ahead, many of his inner cabal could start to distance themselves from Putin

    The case for the tribunal grows stronger by every month that passes. With their brutal and indiscriminate targeting of civilians Russia is now attempting to freeze and starve the people of Ukraine into submission.

    Britain and the United States should now take the lead in not only supporting Ukraine but protecting the legacy of 1945: the Nuremberg moment that gave us the the idea of accountability for international crimes.

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