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    Dr.Paul Craig Roberts in 2014 - ultra-prescient on Ukraine with UK Vlogger Julian Charles(who?) Archived Message

    Posted by Jim_Carlucci on January 12, 2023, 12:51 pm

    Dr.Paul Craig Roberts - ultra-prescient on Ukraine in 2014
    with UK Vlogger Julian Charles(who?)

    Julian Charles - under-publicised, clearly highly-educated,
    calm and composed, almost posh-sounding - but geopolitically ultra-informed and dissenting/subversive on major issues long
    before they're
    massively en vogue and making front-page headlines.
    (So: Julian Charles of "The Mind Renewed".
    What's happened to this other heroic Julian ?)

    In an earlier 2013 transatlantic session with Julian Charles,
    Dr. Paul Craig Roberts naturally/obviously ridicules the
    intelligence-insulting fictional/fake raid that miraculously resurrected and re-killed the long-dead bin Laden in 2011:

    Now here's Professor David Ray Griffin in 2009
    re long-dead bin Laden - talking with Thom Hartmann.
    Hmm. Thom Hartmann. Remember him?
    Had his own RT show - but quit or was sacked not long after this prescient video surfaced and began circulating two years later following the fake 2011 raid that really, honestly, truly, miraculously - and above all - conveniently resurrected and re-killed bin Laden in 2011:

    PS. Lancashire-based "The Mind Renewed" host
    Julian Charles seems to have mysteriously disappeared
    from the audio-video blogoshere and the face of the Earth
    about four years ago.
    Anyone know what's happened to him ?

    Message Thread:

    • Dr.Paul Craig Roberts in 2014 - ultra-prescient on Ukraine with UK Vlogger Julian Charles(who?) - Jim_Carlucci January 12, 2023, 12:51 pm