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    Ha! Britain, Boris, EU, NATO: all determined to obey the US. It was Boris who stopped peace moves Archived Message

    Posted by Jim_Carlucci on January 26, 2023, 10:46 am, in reply to "Democray loving EU determined to have war with Russia&China"

    Bizarre that you still attempt to assert that Very Great Britain thanks to glorious Brexit has not totally capitulated to their US puppet-masters as they always do.

    Good to see you're on the side of the likes of Victoria Nuland - as in "Fruck the EU".

    Yep. Fruck, fragment and atomize any power bloc like the EU, Russia, BRICS etc that could some day unite and stand up to US hegemony and unipolarity.

    A yeah. Let's Fruck the EU - and revert back to the brave bold Special Relationship/Bond of Olde - with Britain serving as America's head-servants and key+keenest enforcers and enablers, half-in and half-out of Europe.

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